What Parents are Saying.

“Our second grader has been going to the immersive Beijing after school program at his local elementary school once a week since last fall and he really enjoys the classes. The teachers are very kind and encouraging. And the classes are very hands-on. My son was not too excited to go when we first signed him up, but after the first class, he really liked it and had a lot of fun and couldn't wait for the following week's class! He liked the classes so much he asked us to sign him up for the winter camp, which we happily obliged. He had a fantastic time learning about the Chinese language and culture and came home with projects every day during the camp. He also told us what he learned and what they did, which he usually doesn't do with his regular second-grade class. We will sign him up for the summer camp again because it's not easy to find high-quality camps with experienced, responsible, and caring teachers, and this is it! We are so happy to have found this program that makes our child excited to learn the Chinese language and culture!”

M.B. from Palo Alto

“My twins both enjoyed the immersive Beijing summer and winter camps. Ms. Zhang and her team did a great job applying Chinese learning to Chinese culture exploration. After attending 7-8 Chinese summer camps in the Bay Area and China, I feel that this camp is one-of-a-kind, including yet not limited to 1) a truly immersive and hands-on experience, my twins like the traditional Chinese outfits from the camp and wear them in daily life; they learned to identify herbs in teas and medicines, write their Chinese names and make Christmas ornaments with these herbs; 2) broad coverage of diverse aspects of Chinese culture, from building wood lanterns with mortise and tenon joints to trying lion dance, which suitable for different ages and Chinese proficiency levels 3) Memorable field trips to Chinatown and local museums, where my kids requested to revisit 4) Seasonal newsletters about Chinese holidays and traditions with age-appropriate activities throughout the year. With international travel becoming difficult during COVID, I feel fortunate that my twins have the local opportunity to experience authentic Chinese culture, make good friends, and learn to be bilingual counselors in the future.”

Mandy G. from Palo Alto

“I've been subscribed their email list for a long time and the owner has been always very responsive to my questions. When the winter camp opened and schedule fitted great, we jumped right in. It's awesome! they offered a lot of hands-on activities, invited specialties to demonstrate traditional practices and performances, cooked traditional food with kids (yum!), field trip to museums in school bus (safety!). Everyday my kids excitedly showed me what they learned today. And everyday they didn't want to leave the campus. Definitely will come back again if location/schedule fit us. Highly recommend!”

Sharon Y. from Atherton

“This is an amazing program! The teachers are wonderful and caring, taking the time to learn about our child as an individual. The director is extremely communicative and has set up activities for our child to explore and experience Chinese language, culture, and food both in the classroom and at community.”

Doug M. from Burlingame

“Truly a magical place with wonderful, patient, kind, and loving teachers. Both my kids absolutely love this school and their Chinese teachers. Lessons are dynamic, practical, project-based, hands-on, and so much fun! I find myself 2 happy children every time at pick up, who skip to the car while telling me everything they'd learned that day in class. My kids have learned so much in such little time, all while having a blast!”

T.S. from Burlingame

“My six-year-old has fallen in love with Mandarin and Chinese cultural learning through this excellent afterschool program. The teachers are warm and encouraging and engage their students' interest through wonderful projects and hands-on learning experiences. We originally signed him up for two days a week and after the first day he told us he wanted to go all five days a week!”

Kristen C. from San Fransisco

“Very fun with lots of activities. The teachers are very nice. Will definitely go back next year.”

Irawati from Menlo Park

Our son had the most wonderful experience at the Immersive Beijing Learning Foundation week long summer camp program. Each day was thoughtfully designed, and it has inspired our son's interest in learning Mandarin as well as learning more about Chinese culture. The Program Director, Sherry Lao Shi, and the entire teaching team were incredibly loving and nurturing. The program has left such a positive impression on my son that he's asked to return to this camp next summer.

Siejen from Redwood City

My 5 years old boy had a wonderful time! He loves the teachers ! The activities are lots of fun! They opened a window for my son to Chinese culture. It was the the first time he took a bus to Sam Francisco Chiba town. He was so happy and proud of himself!! We will certainly enroll this camp again!

Sujiang from Menlo Park